Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A special event in my life

The thing to get into college by life was a special event. First of all, the reason is that a lot of were able to learnt. Next, it was that a friend came with a lot. And the reason is because it can live a life in spite of being product lapis lazuli for various memories with a friend of universities happily every day.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tips For Staying Healthy

There are some methods to stay healthy. First, you should eat well, because I can take the nourishment well by having a take good balance. This is very important to stay healthy. Second, moderate exercise is necessary, because is strong with health by exercising. The reason is because the underexercise is hared to come to suffer a disease by this. Third, sleep well. For example I can fatigue by sleeping, and the reason is it can bring our life back into rhythm. Finally, I do not a accumulate stress. The stress is because it is unhealthy mentally. I think that I can keep health by doing these.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapter 3 Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is a famous inventor in the United States. First,he was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan in the United States. He was seventh child, and he moved to Port Huron at the age of seven. He wanted to know why things burn. He was a curious child since grade-school and burned the barn at home. Because he was such a child, he left elementary school before graduation. However, he became a famous inventor thanks to his curiosity. It is a lamp that it is famous for his invention. He commercialized the phonograph in 1877and invented the motion camera in 1887. He invented 1300 or more things in his life. Finally he died on October 18, 1931.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


 I write it about Naito of the boxing. A match of Naito vs Kameda performed on November 29 was performed. Naito was a champion, and Kameda was a challenger. I want to Naito win. It seemed whether Naito who lost the match retires itself., but will continue active play for revenge to Kameda. I want to have Naito win next time.

My Favorite Groups

My favorite groups are RAD WINPS, GReeeen , and ONE DRAFT. First of all, I came to like RAD WINPS in second grade of high-school. My most favorite song is “FUTARIGOTO”. Next, I like GReeeeN in third grade of high-school. I came to like it seen a musical program. The most favorite song is “SETUNA”. I often hear it when I’m negative. Finally, it came to like ONE DRAFT after I had became a university student. This group was recommended by the friend and came to like it. My favorite song is “AIOKUDASAI”. When I want to settle down , I  often hear this song.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

About my hobby

My hobby is playing badminton and sleeping. When I’m grade-schooler, it started by the brother’s influence. It keeps playing badminton now. It practice four times a week. When I’m not likely to do, it is mostly sleep. It is happy because you may not think at all at sleep.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

About Me

My name is Tomokazu Soga. I’m 19 years old. I’m from Utsunomiya , toctigi.I live in Ide , Numazu now. I have a sister , a brother and pet dog. My hobby is playing badminton , sleeping and listening to music. I playing badminton from the grade-schooler. I started playing badminton because of parents and the brother. When I’m not practice badminton ,it mostly sleep and listen to music. My favorite singer is RADWINPS , ONE DRAFT and GReeeeN.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Dream

My dream is to become a medical engineer.But,even I do not understand why you wanted to become it well.However,it holds out to become it because it entered a university.

I want to live long as much as possible.I want to live until about 100.And,I want to live eacefully at old age.